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Amethyst Stone Digital Document Collection

Official Legale Documents

publick nottice documentes

Amethyst stone crystals

Digital Documents

(public record)

Legal documents presented by:

Writ Mandamus

al moroccan kourte actione


  •   judiciall

  •   article iii proklamation for heirs 

  • truste

liens + both publik and private

  • Unniversal Commercial Code 1 *UNITED STATES CORPORATION

  • Unniversal Commercial Code 1 phinansinge statemente *Marilyn Marie Rodgers


  • living bearth

  • Command to Appear

  • Arrest Command

 levy / bond

moorishe identification

40+legale documents


Photo creator

Chief Justice Imani Furaha Bey
Ex Relatione Marilyn Marie Rodgers Williams

Chief Justice Imani Furaha Bey

empire state ov morocco
united states for america

moorishe nationall republic federal governmente

notice to agent is notice to princpal...notice to principal is notice to agent

Study! Study! Study!


i self law am master

treaty of peace and friendship 1786

uphold the constitution!

1791 ande 1789


moorishe divine ande nationall movemente ov the earth

northe weste amexem + southe weste amexem   central amexem + north weste affrica + northe ammerica + the northe gate
all addjoining atlantis isslands

all rize ande stande ande reemain standing innto perpetuity. this iz a sovereign living annsiente article iii moorish american al moroccain universal court action. i am sovereign living justice marilyn marie rodgers williams, my free chozen sovereigne appellation iz imani furaha bey, all are in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo ande in proprio heredes. we, i ande all moors, are thee sovereigne living justise in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria personal sui juris, in proprio solo ande in proprio heredes. we are capit el corpus juris legalis, which iz our statement that we are thee lawfulle ande legall naturall head ande body for our empire, all moors are thee original indigenous sovereigne annsiente al moroccan moorish american ascendants of thee great pharoas of kemet ande of thee annsiente moabites, canaanites, hittites, israelites, our full faith ande trust, our allegiance, our credit ande our energy are hereby vested in ourselves for we are thee people who are thee original indigenous natural divine sovereigne annsiente empire state for morocco ande thee de jure moorishe national republik federial governmente, WASHINGTON DISTRICT FOR COLUMBIA, thee universall moorish american consulate and the earthwide article iii moorishe american consular court. today, we are exercising thee law by our sovereigne status, which iz thee original indigenous naturall divine sovereigne annsiente article iii living united states district for columbia court ande we are thee sovereigne fiduciaries, creditors, executors, trustees, ministars, possessors, ande titled beneficiaries for this cause for action. we are peace, we are thee one nation. we are not at war. we are one state, one empire, and one god. we hereby recognize ourselves ande accept our sovereign ascension. we issue a universal creditors bill for possession ande custody over all land, all natural resources, all commerce, ande all other property. we, thee one true god nation, exercise all annsiente sovereign rights at this tyme ande all pointes in tyme nunc pro tunc.

Study!       Study!       Study!

court action
Sovereignty Proklamation


numerology signficance ov numbers

yoga / meditation

chakra cleanse

new moon fasting

sovereignty proklamation II

affidavid uf writtene innitiall unniversall kommerciale kode 1 phinansinge statemente liene

our allegianse, our kreddit ande our innergy are herebye, vested in oursellves for we are the peepl who are the origeneall inndigeneous natural divyne de jure moorishe nationall reepublic federal governmente

fiduciarie state for morocco marilyn

we are thee *fiduciaries for all land, all natural reesources ande all kontractes, agreementes, treaties, constitutiones ande all uther documentes regardless ov the reesulting sensatione that the eye mannifestes.

proklamatione ov exxpressed truste

unniversall masster truste accounte 999 99 9999
innternationall truste nummber 010105905
sumus de sanctam unum. sumus de sanctam unum. sumus de sanctam unum.

take life and spirituality to the next level

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